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With you in the loss of a relative or acquaintance

With you in the loss of a relative or acquaintance

When you lose a loved one, you don’t feel like having to take care of all bureaucratic burdens that needed to be fulfilled

That is why it is crucial to make the right choice of the company to whom you entrust the funeral service and who can follow you in every need.

Some advices

It is necessary to notify 112 who will send a doctor to pronounce the death. Contact us immediately at our number 040 660755 to request our intervention in moving the body to the morgue. It is then necessary to go immediately to the attending physician who will fill out the ISTAT form pertaining to him or her; this form must be given to us as soon as possible so that we can start the paperwork for funeral arrangements as quickly as possible. If the death occurs at home, deletion from the Registry is done ex officio.

The host facility will contact 112. In base alla L.R.12/2011 la scelta dell’impresa funebre è a carico del famigliare e non delle strutture sanitarie e socio-assistenziali. E’ necessario pertanto che diate il nostro nominativo alla struttura che provvederà a contattarci a tempo debito per il trasporto della persona presso l’obitorio.

It’s then necessary to see straight after the family doctor who will compile the ISTAT Form which must be handed over to our office to enable us to organize the Funeral as quickly as possible.

If the death occurs in a nursing home, deletion from the registry is done ex officio.

Contact our nearest branch directly.

If the death occurs in a hospital facility, deletion from the registry is done ex officio.

Of the ISTAT Form filled out by the attending physician (if the death occurred in any private home or nursing home)

Of the clothing with which the body will be composed

Of an identification card and tax identification number of the deceased

Of the identity card and tax identification number of the next of kin next of kin as well as the identity card and social security number of the person who will commission the funeral on behalf of the next of kin

Details of the family grave, if any, in which the burial is to take place

The deletion from the Registry is done ex officio.

According to the stability law, institutions can no longer use the certificates.

These can only be requested from family members by the Banks / Italian Post Office for closing or succession of accounts.

They are therefore available to families at any Civic Center or at the Registry Office after 4/5 days after death.

For the purposes of tax return, it is possible to deduct 19% from the cost of the funeral service up to € 1550,00. Such deductions can be submitted only by the closest relative (ie: spouse, sons, parents, brothers, in laws). In the case where, the expense was incurred by more than one taxpayer, the total deduction should be divided for those who contributed to the expense. In this case, a joint invoice will be issued.

Dispersal of ashes

Thanks to our regional lows n. 12 of October 21, 2011 and n. 22 of June 9, 2017 it is possible to dispose the ashes also outside the cemeterial areas, or rather:

In forests, meadows or private areas with the prior written consent of the owner(s) at a minimum distance of 200 meters from dwellings.” In lakes and sea at 200 meters from the shore and in rivers in stretches free from vessels and 200 meters away from dwellings.

It is forbidden the dispersion of the ashes in city centers, in air or in natural reserves.

Ashes must be dispersed from the person in charge entitled by the deceased in life. In the absence of such indication, a family member or other person identified by Articles 74, 75, 76, 77 of the Civil Code shall provide.

Scrivici per maggiori informazioni

    Trova la filiale più vicina a te

    Trieste centro

    Via di Torre Bianca 37/a
    Via della Zonta 7/d
    Tel. 040 660755
    Lunedì / Venerdì: 8:00 – 17:00
    Sabato: 8:00 – 13:00

    Cimitero Sant’Anna

    Via dell’Istria 139
    Tel. 040 3409846
    Lunedì / Sabato: 8:00 – 13:00


    Via di Prosecco 18
    Tel. 040 2171311
    Lunedì / Sabato: 8:00 – 13:00

    Contact us for more information

      Find the nearest branch to you

      Trieste center

      Via di Torre Bianca 37/a
      Via della Zonta 7/d
      Phone. 040 660755
      Monday / Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
      Saturday: 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM

      Sant'Anna Cemetery

      Via dell’Istria 139
      Phone. 040 3409846
      Monday / Saturday: 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM


      Via di Prosecco 18
      Phone. 040 2171311
      Monday / Saturday: 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM

      Pišite nam za več informacij

        Poiščite najbližjo pisarno

        Trst - center

        Ulica Torre Bianca 37/a
        Ulica della Zonta 7/d
        Tel. 040 660755
        Ponedeljek / Petek: 8:00 – 17:00
        Sobota: 8:00 – 13:00

        Pri pokopališču Sv. Ane

        Istrska ul. 139
        Tel. 040 3409846
        Ponedeljek / Sobota: 8:00 – 13:00


        Proseška ul. 18
        Tel. 040 2171311
        Ponedeljek / Sobota: 8:00 – 13:00